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Pureskin Medspa provides aesthetic services like laser hair removal, skin peels, and other appearance-enhancing procedures. At the time, they had just unveiled a new side of their brand that focused on licensed medical treatments like Botox and Juvederm.

When they approached me, they had two primary objectives:

  1. Produce a new website with updated visuals

  2. Produce a thoroughly strategized advertising campaign alongside the new site


The turnover for this project needed to be quick. Visitors to the old website had no clue that Pureskin had an entirely new line of treatments to offer. The potential loss of business was staggering. I gave myself a week to produce a prototype site and an additional week to complete the site pending client feedback.

Pureskin competes for a market shared by a handful of other medspas, in a town big enough to produce a strong market, yet small enough to induce steady competition.

PS Strategy



My concern wasn’t with competitors, not directly at least. I didn't want to enter a shouting match for who had the best prices or facilities. To elevate my client in this market, I needed to ensure that Pureskin would hold real value to consumers.


Thus, Pureskin would be built for patient needs first and foremost.


Given the request for expedience, I maintained minute-by-minute communication with my client, letting them see all phases of sketching, design, early site builds, and so forth. To eliminate downtime between prototyping and the final build, I used Wix’s platform to bypass any potential coding setbacks. From concept to completion, all in one go.

PS Web


Early builds of the website focused on keeping it clean and readable. I used my photography to present their space as a welcoming and soothing experience.

PS Logo/GD

For legal reasons, Pureskin had to differentiate their medical treatments from their non-medical procedures.


This required a new logo to accompany the site. I opted for a

two-font aesthetic, casting "medspa" in bold italics to further emphasizing the brand's new medical side.

Our through-line was keeping the experience patient-centered and easy to understand. To enforce this, quote testimonials were thrown out in favor of personal, fully photographed write-ups from Pureskin's satisfied patients.


I made sure to keep my photography focused on putting potential patients at ease. That meant portraying the typical results of treatment, rather than what the pre-treatment areas may look like. I also opted frame the Pureskin staff in a comfortable, welcoming light.

PS Photo



As this project was coming together, my client noted they were concerned about properly exposing the new medspa brand. After all, the new site warranted an awareness initiative (if you got it, flaunt it).

A few strategy sessions later, I was contacting outdoor media advertisers for a billboard.

PS Outdoor
PS Copy

In a small car-bound city, billboards were the only medium that could reach potential patients while they were out of home. Compared to TV or radio spots, billboards provided the highest impressions per minute at a budget-friendly rate.

Design for the boards followed the same insight as the website: keep it patient centered. I strayed from typical imagery: flawless models, headlines set in elegant script, aesthetic jargon, and pandering messages about inner beauty.

Instead, I opted for relatable and blunt copy, playing to the frustrations ordinary people go through as they age.


The Shar Pei dog was sourced from a stock library due to time constraints. What can I say? My usual Shar Pei was on vacation.



This project utilized my entire toolkit: UX design, graphic production, advertising strategy, copy writing, media purchasing, photography, user theory, research, prototyping, account management, and of course, some good ol' elbow grease.

However, the work is ongoing. Building a site and a coaching your client through their brand development is never one event. An effective brand presence will adapt constantly and require strict maintenance of your client relationship.

Typefaces used in order of appearance:


Soho, NiconneBellaboo

Century Gothic, HelveticaDebby


I was commissioned to film a quick profile piece featuring our medical lead, Dr. Peterson. I took the opportunity to collab with a local personal fitness brand; tailored link building is an efficient and powerful SEO stimulant.

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